Pikmin 2 waterboxes

From Pikmin Technical KB

Water modified in the Awakening Wood

Waterboxes are text files that control where water is placed in an area. They are located in user/kando/map/*/texts.szs/waterbox.txt. Each body of water is defined by a cuboid.

Format[edit | edit source]

Header[edit | edit source]

Waterbox files start with a number, commented with type, whose meaning is unknown[unsure].

Then, the list of boxes starts after the line commented with CNode, and is defined inside curly braces. Each body of water is defined in one line.

The very first line of the list of boxes indicates how many there are in total.

Box[edit | edit source]

The boxes are defined by two 3D points. You can think of this like the first point being the "top-left-front" point, and the other to be the "bottom-right-back" point. In the list inside the file, each box is one line long, and consists of 6 space-separated numbers. The first number is the X coordinate of the first point, the second number is the Y coordinate of the first point, etc. So, the format is basically X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2.

Each line also has a comment at the end with the number of the box (starts at 0), and the total number of boxes (e.g. 2/4). These comments are optional, though.

Example[edit | edit source]

This is the file used for the Wistful Wild's water boxes.

File line Line explanation
0 	# type
Type of waterbox file. Meaning is unknown.[unsure]
# CNode
Start of the list of boxes.
Total number of boxes.
	-3700.000000 -110.000000 850.000000 -2500.000000 -10.000000 1650.000000 # 0/2
X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2 of the first box.
	-2000.000000 -90.000000 50.000000 -1000.000000 10.000000 1450.000000 # 1/2
X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2 of the second box.
End of the list of boxes.

Notes: While the water will still appear and be animated, if the Y1-Y2 distance (or depth) isn't large enough then it will not behave like water. One would assume the depth must be 100 units, based on the two given examples.